Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Four Angels of Holy Rosary Church in Ke'eau

They are each unique, with individual expressions and postures.
These four angels are positioned at four pivotal stations within the small Catholic church in Ke'eau, about 8 miles down the mountain from our house.
The two angels holding the sanctuary candles (top two pictures) are at either side of the front of the church, facing the altar and tabernacle.
The two angels holding the bowls for holy water (bottom two pictures) are at the back of the church facing one another.
Angels have a special role in our faith as Catholics and Christians.
They were created by God for specific purposes and functions, and have characteristics associated with one of the nine different "choirs" to which all angels belong.
These choirs, in descending order of rank, are as follows: Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels and Angels.
It is only my guess, but I think these angels are of the Cherubim rank, as it would be their duty to be celestial attendants and to praise God.
All of us have a Guardian Angel, whose rank is that of angel. Their role is to deliver prayers to God, and God's answers and blessings to us, as well as to care for us.
May your angel guard and protect you all the days of your life!

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