Monday, September 13, 2010

Blessed Jerzy Popieluszko

This remarkable and courageous priest was murdered by the Communist totalitarian regime in Poland in 1984.
I remember the surreal circumstances of his death, occurring just after he said Mass for the Solidarity union movement in Poland. He was tortured and his body was found wrapped in chains at the bottom of a reservoir. Amazingly, the three police officers who killed him, and their supervisor, were placed on trial and FOUND GUILTY! However, they were released under an amnesty process, that no doubt hastened the fall of Communism in Poland and in the entire world. It was clear from that trial that the government had set out to torture and persecute a man of conscience who became a victim for the Polish people, like that of St. Maximillian Kolbe during WWII.
This past June, Fr. Jerzy was declared a Blessed, which is the last stage before canonization in the Church. He is seen as a modern Saint Stanislaus, and a hero for our modern world.

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