Saturday, September 4, 2010

The Trinity

What a mystery!
El Greco's painting of the Most Holy Trinity is one way to consider this essential Catholic doctrine.
Another is to look at each of the Persons of the Trinity and reflect on their existence. In that respect, God the Father is our Abba, or Daddy. El Greco and others possibly do Him a disservice to have us envision Him as an old man. Abba is our Father but not necessarily an old man. He is the vibrant, eternal Being who wants us to know and share His innermost Being. He sent His Son to lead us to Him, and He desires us to know both Him and the Son.
One of my goals during the next 33 days of preparation for my total consecration to Jesus through Mary is to also have Jesus and Mary show me the Father. I want to know the innermost Being of the Father who has adopted me into His eternal family, into the Trinity.
I think it is so providential that I have been able to make such a fundamental transition in my life in order to plunge into service as an aspirant to the diaconate, unencumbered by the role I used to have as a public figure running a school. Being in a subsidiary role allows me to express more fully this dynamic development towards service and love of God than I have ever been able to do.
I can minister to more people in this fashion, and to offer deeper relationships to those I serve, even those individuals to whom I request money for DeLaSalle.
I believe that God is using my recent life changes to allow me to be more open to His grace, and to embrace that grace and to live it more openly, and to witness to His love for us, for me. What a blessing!
The Trinity brought this to mind for me, and so I wanted to share it with you. I know this is jumbled, but it is heartfelt!

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