Friday, December 3, 2010

Our Tenants

We have quite a few tenants on our two, spaghetti-length acres of land here in Mountain View. About twenty of them are chickens (but not, alas, this egg, to be eaten soon).
Chickens are unusual creatures, I have found. Roosters are very different from hens, and both can fall into one of only a few categories. For instance, I have found that all roosters (so far) crow, but not all are aggressive. Some hens are good brooders and chick-raisers, but some ignore their brood and even let their eggs be eaten.
Nonetheless, they make for generally good company.
I am amazed at the beauty of God's creation whenever I am here in Hawaii, not just for chickens, but for the stars and flowers and rain and sun and trees and frogs and crabs and lizards and on and on. I just read this morning that there may be three times the sextillion number of stars previously estimated to exist. I bet there's a sextillion times that number, or, more likely, infinity-number of stars.

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